Personal Development Life Coaching Session at Home

Jodi Walker


Get to know us

Jodi has always had a calling on her heart. She knew she was here to help others. She has worked with children and people of all ages. Even animals find her and she offers some healing to them . Jodi is native American on her father's side and has always been drawn to certain places. Many times she jumped on a plane not knowing what was awaiting her but it was always another piece of the healing puzzle. She has worked primarily with women for over 20 years.

Jodi is a multi -sensory intuitive healer and holistic health coach specializing in remote energy work that opens space for healing to occur at every level of your being. Jodi is able to read your energy first and then she finds and clears energetic blocks that get to the root of both physical and emotional symptoms.

Jodi senses your energy way before you start speaking to her and she starts clearing up the energetics.

This is something Jodi has done since she was a young child but never told anyone. She clears spaces, homes, cars and people all the time. She says this is her special gift to humanity as people’s energy can get dense and heavy just from living day to day.

Jodi has been on a life long journey of study and insight into healing.

Her mission is to help others find their personal mode of healing.

The circumstances we find ourselves in lead us to the healing work. They are a gift.

If we see their " gift" we can we the insights we need to transform them and the answers we are seeking.

Every experience shapes you and forces you to make choices. There is no one to blame.

This is Your Healing journey revealing itself to you.

Jodi's early studies encompass counseling and coaching which later led her to healing modalities including quantum energy healing, spiritual response therapy, ancestral lineage clearing, holographic kinetics out of Australia and deep healing work in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Jodi has explored the depths of various modalities

then uses her intuition to apply to your specific situations.

Everyone needs different solutions and Jodi embraces the challenges facing you to help you find your answers.

Life is a wonderful ADVENTURE of revealing your SOUL.

When you live from the soul and the heart, you cannot go wrong.

The world has pulled us away from this.

The Native Americans understood the concepts of balance, harmony, and simple living.

Being at peace in your life is the goal.

Jodi applies these principles in all parts of her life and coaching.

Jodi also teaches the beautiful principles of Simple Abundance each summer in women's retreats.

Jodi loves teaching others and enjoys being a transformation agent.

Life Changing Coaching

1-1 Multi sensory Holistic Wellness Session

This is a comprehensive session with Jodi.

We will do a deep dive into what is currently happening in your life. Jodi will use her Intuitive gifts and training to help you find any blocks or obstacles and help you release them.

Portrait of Happy Skilled Middle Aged Woman Life Coach, Business


Women's Membership:

Inspired Women VIP Group

Join our Private Membership Group and gain valuable coaching advice each week.


This is your personal Journey to Wholeness and Wellness!

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Are you Ready to go on this Amazing Journey Together??!!

Jodi Walker Wellness

Established 2008

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One thing about working with Jodi: She encompasses so much deep insight and inner knowing that you get excited knowing that so much MORE is possible. She walks along the path with you. She shows you the gentle way. That alone was transformational for me. She addresses my issues specifically and quickly.

I felt so much different after my session

. I had a real drive to go achieve my dreams. I am ready now!! I have been settling way too much. there's a big life out here!

~Carol, California

Wow! Just Wow!I had no idea how much more I could be doing for myself. Jodi was a wealth of knowledge and she's Grounded and Calm. That's what I strive to be and it comes with years of work under her belt. This has started me on a whole new journey. I cannot thank you enough!

~ Elizabeth Mesa,AZ